Deborah's Story
We enjoy a lifestyle without any worry!

I was the first in my family to enlist in the military (Air Force). I spent 8 years traveling through Italy, Japan and several US states. While in Japan I met the love of my life; Rick. We married in 1992 and after many years of infertility, had our first daughter in 2001. It rocked my world! I didn’t care about my US Postal career, but couldn’t afford to resign either. Being skeptical by nature, I investigated many home businesses throughout my pregnancy and finally made a decision that would change the course of our family forever.
Today we live on 3 acres, we are able to care for our parents and live a lifestyle without worry! I encourage you to make an informed decision, see if this is a good fit for you too!
Interested in learning about our business
and how you can work from home,
click on the LEARN MORE button!

Live Well, Love Well, Lead Well.