Cathy's Story
The residual income has been a life saver for me!

Having a career as a waitress for over 19 years took it’s toll on me.
My last 10 years of waitressing, I had to work 6 days a week, many were double shifts, just to stay afloat. It was our only source of income after my husband was disabled in a car accident.
I had no savings or medical plan and the debt continued to accumulate every month.
I was invited to learn about a business that I could work from home. I knew it would not be for me but I figured why not just have a look.
As I heard the information, I continued to lean a little forward. I was intrigued with what I was learning. My energy level lifted. I was in shock because I felt that I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel.
I decided to start her home business and have never looked back. As my income continued to grow I was able to consistently pay off debt every month.
Within 5 years, I was completely debt-free with savings for our future. Without this business, it would have taken me a lifetime or longer to pay off the incredible amount of debt we had.
Today, with my “little” home business, my residual income has created security for me and my family and it continues to grow every month.
The residual income has been a life saver for me as well. Over the years I have had my own personal health issues and even though I was unable to work some months, my check each month has always been there. That’s real financial security.”
I love what this journey has done for me, and even more so what it has done for others. When I told my father about starting this business he gave me a wonderful book and inside he inscribed a message.
It read; ‘Cathy, how happy you made me this morning. In order to have success with your business, you must teach others to have success. What a noble mission.’
His message has and always will keep me focused on what matters most.
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and how you can work from home,
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Live Well, Love Well, Lead Well.